Friday, August 3, 2012

The Trail Is Very Busy This Time of Year

The Bartram Trail continues to be a success to those looking to enjoy the outdoors. The number of people using the trail are higher on weekends with many walking and running, along with dog walkers and kayak and canoe users.

People continue to use the Auburn Trailhead off of Rt. 895 to launch kayaks and canoes. The majority of user going down the Schuylkill River and stopping in Port Clinton or Hamburg.

Runners and hikers continue to be the majority of users from Hamburg to Auburn, the small section outside Auburn, and the Landingville section. Dog walkers are often seen too.

A new small section of trail is completed that runs from the parking lot at the Kernsville Dam into Hamburg. This section is about 1 mile long. You can follow this into town and south where it currently ends around where the parking lot for the Dollar General is located.

Happy Trails!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Squirrel at the Bird Feeder

Squirrel caught me taking his picture. So he decides to take a break.
Here is our friendly squirrel eating the bird seed outside the house. He is quite talented and loves to hang upside down to eat the sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are his favorite. He has no problem though with eating regular birdseed too.

I caught in on camera in the following pictures.

He knows I'm there, so squirrel hides and stays still until I walk away.
Squirrel is at the buffet.

"Audubon Wrap Around Black Squirrel Baffle"
Squirrel chows down on his favorite, sunflower seeds. Yum!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

State Game Lands Road 110 Open Again

The road that leads to the State Game Lands 110 parking lot from Bear Creek Road, near Auburn, is open once again. The sign by the gate states it will be open until mid-May.

No reason is given and hopefully the State Game Commission will extend the opening. The road runs down to the parking lot where the Stony Creek Trail Head is located on the Bartram Trail. This is about 4.4 miles from the Hamburg Trail Head. Update! The sign now says that the road will be open until May 31st. I will update this again if they extend the opening of the road.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photos of the Bartram Trail

Here are some photos of the Bartram Trail from the Hamburg section.

This section starts near the Kernsville Dam. A new 1 mile section has been added that goes directly into Hamburg, PA. I will get some photos of that in the near future.